Each property record in Ailo is assigned to an Investor portfolio - Investors with multiple properties under management can opt to have these merged together under a single portfolio (to track their income and expenses for all properties on a single statement), or keep some or all of their portfolios separate so they can account for the properties separately.
As an Investor, you might ask your Property Manager to add a new management to an existing portfolio from the beginning, or to merge existing portfolios together long after the managements began.
Where existing portfolios are merged together, changes in Ailo will appear as detailed in this article.
Statements during a merge period
One of the first changes you may notice is that you receive two statements at the end of the month in which the two portfolios are merged:
From then on, you'll receive a single monthly statement for the merged portfolio - see Monthly statements for examples of how these will look. |
Transactions for a merged portfolio
After merging properties into a single portfolio, balances and transactions will look a little different to you if you are using the Ailo app:
Bank transactions after portfolio merge
Each disbursement generates an email which is accompanied by a Transfer summary - after a portfolio is merged, your bank transactions will reference the portfolio number:
Because banks may have different processes, you may see a slight variation in the transaction description on your bank statement. Multi-property Investor portfolios: